Looking for information on pregnancy tests, parenting classes, abortion information, and other services?

Medical Services

  • Free pregnancy test
  • Pregnancy test verification
  • STI information
  • Free Limited First Trimester Ultrasound
  • 6 month supply Prenatal Vitamins

limited ultrasound can help determine what options are available to you by determining how far along you are and the viability of your pregnancy. Call for more information or to talk with someone who can help.

Free pregnancy testing and ultrasounds help determine viability and dates.

In addition, an early ultrasound can,

  • help determine the baby’s due date
  • verify and allow you to see the baby’s heartbeat
  • verify that your pregnancy is where it should be (intrauterine vs. ectopic)

We can help you learn how to be the best parent you can be!

At our center we provide you with an opportunity to learn how to be the best parent you can be.  Our Bridges/Earn While You Learn offers two programs:

  • Pregnancy and infant care
  • Toddler care

Choose which program works best for you.


If you’re thinking about finding an abortion clinic, it is important to remember that abortion is a medical procedure.

What type will you have? What are the risks? You deserve to know the facts. You owe it to yourself to make an informed decision.

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